


High Temperature Structural and Functional Material—TZM

TZM(Ti-Zr-Mo), as a high temperature structural and functional material, is widely used to make high temperature components such as isothermal forging mold, X-ray rotating target, heat shield for high temperature furnace, piercing mandrel for seamless stainless steel tube, inner wall material for nuclear fusion reactor, protective tile and so on.

Application area

TZM alloy has extremely high melting point, high thermal conductivity of 140 W/mK and excellent high temperature and corrosion resistance, which can be machined into hot runner mold parts and used directly without hard coating. Processing flow is short and service life is long. Its elasticity modulus is more than twice that of beryllium copper material, while the coefficient of thermal expansion is extremely low. The influence of temperature change during mold operation on the dimension of TZM parts is almost negligible, thus ensuring a stable mold injection process. If higher material hardness is required, we can further harden TZM through a unique process.



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